Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fun or NO fun?

Sprinklers.  My kid loves them.  What kid doesn't?  Sprinklers now a days seem way lamer than when I was a kid.  Maybe it's just because I'm an adult and I don't really care much about them anymore.  We've bought so many sprinklers over the last 5 years you would think that we have a daycare.  Not the case.  They all stink.  One doesn't spin because our water pressure stinks, another one because it was cheaply made, another because it has a hole in it and another because my kid even thinks it's lame.  Whatever the reason I'd almost given up on sprinklers.  The lame sprinklers is the whole reason we bought the giant water bowl.

Then, it happened.  I was surfing the net and I saw THIS.  As soon as I saw it I just knew I had to try and build it.  It just had to be as cool as it looked.  As soon as ice dad came home from work I told him I had another project I wanted to do.  He was less than excited to hear about it.  So excited, in fact, that we promptly went to the store and bought all of the supplies listed.  I had all of the decorative stuff here so we just purchased the PVC stuff.  It cost $32.00 for everything...not bad at all!

Ice dad cut and drilled holes in the PVC while ice princess and I worked on the decorative stuff.  We all assembled it in about 20 minutes.  Now, the part I was worried about.  Turning on the water.  Would we have enough pressure to make this thing work??  It was much larger than what the picture looks.  I could hear the water running through the hose.  Then, I could hear it in the PVC but nothing was happening.  We all stood there.  Waiting.  Then, like a miracle, it WORKED!  It really worked!  Ice princess had the brilliant idea of putting the slip-n-slide under it.

This looked like so much fun even I wanted to try.  Did I?  Lets just say if I did I would be blogging from the hospital...

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