Thursday, July 14, 2011

So, it's been awhile.  I have plenty no excuses for my absence.  I can say that I watch someone else's kids during the day and that has proved to be more work that I thought it would be!  They are not super young (9 and 11).  They are very well behaved.  They love to craft.  So, why is it more work?  I'm not sure!  Maybe it's because I'm so used to ignoring paying my undivided attention to ice princess all day long I just haven't figured out how to split my time with 3 kids.  It's nice having friends here to play with ice princess, being that she's an only child.  So, that being said I have no time for face book (gasp) or blogging (double gasp) until the evenings where I've found are being taking up by me cleaning the house.  HA!  Cleaning the house.  You didn't actually believe that one did you??  I'm really reading all the blogs I follow, therefore not having time to write in my own blog.

I've also realized that before blogging I used to do things in life and think "wow, what a great blog topic".  Now that I actually blog I can't ever think of anything to blog about...strange.

I'm also feeling a little sad that I only have 5 wonderful followers (if they didn't leave me in my absence).  It sure would be nice to have even 6.  Heck, 7 would put me on cloud nine!  If I ever reach 10 I might even think of more things to blog about because that would be DOUBLE what I have now!

So, anyway, I'm off to read this yummy blog to see what yummy things I can bake....I mean...I'm off to clean the house...yea, that's it...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I love animals.  Well, most animals.  I have 4 dogs (large ones), 3 guinea pigs and a fish.  The dogs rule the house and the pigs take up the majority of my kitchen.  That's how much I love animals.  Ice princess rescues insects daily.  Just the other day we had to have a funeral for 2 caterpillars.  It was a sad day.  The next day ice princess dug up said caterpillars to find that the ants had eaten part of one of them.  She was horrified.  Insert circle of life story here.  After said story she was worried that the caterpillars couldn't go to heaven if they weren't whole.  We then had to have another story about souls going to heaven.  Now the caterpillars are happily playing in heaven while their bodies are secure in a zip loc bag buried in our insect cemetery.  Her love for insects does NOT come from me, however, her big heart for all living beings DOES come from me.

Anyway, I loathe two of my neighbors pets. 

On one side of me I have something that reminds me of someone trying to kill a bird.  Only to find it's not really a bird.  It's a chihuahua.  It NEVER shuts up.  I don't even think it can be considered barking.  It just sounds like they are trying to kill it over and over and over again.  It has to be in it's genes, my in-laws own a chihuahua and it does the same thing.  Chihuahua's should be banned.

The other side of me is a rooster.  Yep a real live rooster.  Normally this wouldn't bother me.  He does his cock-a-doodle-do thing bright and early in the morning when I can't hear him because of all the white noise I have while I sleep.  I wouldn't even know there was a rooster there, if he were normal.  He's not.  He cock-a-doodle-dos ALL the time.  I'm pretty sure he's talking to the chihuahua on the other side of me.

The neighbors with the chihuahua live in a rental house.  I usually have new neighbors every month or two.  We are going on month two so I've decided I can do one of two things.

1.  Introduce the rooster to the chihuahua 

2.  Introduce my great danes to both the chihuahua and the rooster

As I said above, I love animals.  I think I would love to see who would win...the chihuahua or the rooster.  Any bets?

Image borrowed from Google