It's COLD outside. It's the end of June and I'm contemplating turning the heat on. Seriously. It's currently 56 degrees outside and has been raining for 5 days straight. I'm contemplating taking the big water bowl and turning it into an ark. At this point I would get more use out of it. I'm wondering what I did to mother nature to tick her off so bad? We still had snow at the beginning of May and now it's the end of June and 56 degrees outside. Seriously?!
I think that someone offed mother nature and now they are trying to hide it by doing her job for her. They seriously suck.
Maybe mother nature and father time got into an argument. Mother nature being a woman and all is trying to prove a point to father time and this weather is the result.
Mother nature has a sick sense of humor and this is the result. If I was at her comedy show I would be booing her off the stage right now.
Mother nature was involved it some freak time warp accident and she is now in a coma. Sad. I wish her a speedy recovery.
Mother nature's wand is broke and in the shop. With the economy the way it is she is saving her money to pay for the repairs. We are in trouble if that's the case!
Maybe this weather has nothing to do with mother nature. Maybe someone knocked me out and drove me to a house similar to mine but in a different part of the world. Yep. That's it. Click. Click. Click. There's no place like home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home...
Mother nature can be a heartless biatch!